Becoming A Member
- Bronze membership for members with more then 12 month and less than 24 months in business.
- Silver membership for those that have been trading for 24 or more months as a freight forwarding business.
- Gold membership is for those that keep up their membership with AGLN for 3 years from the date of becoming a silver member.

[ Bronze membership ]
If you have been trading for less than 24 months in the industry you are invited to join the network as a bronze member.
Your start up bronze membership annual fee is USD $ 1250 plus additional $25 for bank charge. This includes a yearly *Payment Protection

[ Silver membership ]
Silver membership is for all members with more than 24 months in business. At this silver level you have full benefits.The annual Silver membership is USD $1250 plus additional $25 for bank charge. This includes a yearly *Payment Protection

[ Gold membership ]
After 3 years at the silver level you will be invited to join the gold group of members.
The annual Gold membership is USD $1250 plus additional $25 for bank charge. This includes a yearly *Payment Protection
If you want to have a higher level of DIAMOND Payment Protection you can have the 50.000 $ annual cover for an additional annual fee of 750 $ (this applies only when you have the basic Payment protection already, being a paid AGLN member of 1250 $ annual fee).